

Online lectures on the SMALOG project

As part of the implementation of the international project SMALOG Erasmus +, teachers participating in the project conduct online lectures. On June 1 at 10:00 there will be a lecture by Lydiia SAVCHENKO, a lecturer at the National Transport University, Assoc. Prof, PhD of the Department of Transport Systems and Road Safety, on the topic: "Concepts of sustainable logistics in the business context" in a business context) We invite you to join this lecture, as well as others that will be interesting to you. Register ...

Exchange of experience in the framework of the international project SmaLog

A seminar was held on mastering the operation of a sound level meter, purchased with funds from the international project SmaLog for the research laboratory of the Department of Transport Systems and Road Safety, which is implementing the project. The online seminar was conducted by a colleague of the O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Systems and Logistics - Iryna Tkachenko, also involved in the implementation of the project at the partner ...

Request for proposals for the purchase of software

According to Erasmus+ international project: KA2, project number 585832-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP - "Master in SMArt Transport and LOGistics for Cities (SmaLog)", a commercial request is announced offers for software purchase. The procurement information is defined by the terms of the international project 585832-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, "Master in SMArt Transport and LOGistics for Cities (SmaLog)":  Software AnyLogic University Researcher with Dongle additional second year of maintenance and technical ...

The first graduation of SmaLog Masters

Masters of the first graduation of SmaLog of National Transport University, Department of Transport Systems and Road Safety, Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies defended master's work. And they got the qualification of a Master of Transport Technologies (in road transport) in specialty 275 "Transport technologies (in road transport)" on the educational and scientific program "Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities SMALOG". The program was created as part of the ERASMUS+ protect "SmaLog" Joined the work ...

Beginning of a remote defense of bachelor’s theses

Given the current situation and quarantine measures introduced through the COVID-19 pandemic Bachelor's thesis defense  at National Transport University takes  place remotely. The chairmen of the commissions note the high level of work performed and training of all students. The results of the examination commissions have shown that the teaching staff of the university prepares highly qualified bachelors who have deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Congratulations to our students who have successfully ...

International Cooperation