
National Transport University provides public information in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”.

The provision of public information by National Transport University is performed in response to requests for information.

As defined by the Law, public information is the information represented and held in document form by any means and in any media, obtained or created by any empowered Authority in the performance of its duties specified by current legislation or that is in the possession of those empowered Authorities.

A request for information from any person may be submitted in any format; however, it is essential to provide the following details:

1) requestor’s name and surname, mail or e-mail address, and phone number;

2) general description of information, or the type, title and requisites of the requested document;
3) signature and date.

In order to simplify the procedure for making a written information request, the latter may be submitted by means of filling in respective information request forms:

information request forms in writing (sample)
information request forms by e-mail (sample)

Postal address for submission of an information request to National Transport University:

Str. M. Omelyanovicha-Pavlenko, 01010 (with «Public Information» clearly stated on the envelope);

Phone /Fax: (044) 280-82-03;

E-mail: general@ntu.edu.ua
If the information request requires producing copies of documents amounting to more than 10 pages the requestor is obliged to reimburse the cost of copying and printing. The cost of a single copy is 0,25 UAH.

Public Information Documents


Staff Resource Register 2015

Staff Resource Register 2016

Budget 2016

Science and Research Budget 2016

Receipt and Use of Funds

NTU Rector’s Annual Report

Regulations on NTU Academic Council

Regulations on NTU Supervisory Board

NTU Mission Statement

The internationalization strategy of the National Transport University

Regulations on Educational Process

Regulations on Competition for Vacancies, Recruitment and Keeping NTU Scientific and Teaching Staff in Employment or Dismissing them

Regulations on Academic Services Directorate

Regulations on Educational Policy and Methods Division

Regulations on Quality Assurance Division

Regulations on Technical Facilities Division

Regulations on Admissions Committee

The Procedure for Reimbursement of the State or Local Budget Funds Spent on Specialist Training (in case of readmission under a state quota)

Regulations on Legal Service

Regulations on IECIT

Regulations on Library

Regulations on Academic Council of Students, Post-graduate Students and Young Scientists

Regulations on Student Self-Government

Regulations on Participation in International Programs and Projects that are not Related to the Education Process at NTU

Regulations on the Faculty of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Regulations on the Faculty of Economics and Law

Regulations on the Faculty of Management, Logistics and Tourism

Regulations on the Faculty of Road Construction

Regulations on the Faculty of Transport and Informational Technologies

Regulations on Faculty(Institute) Academic Council

Regulations on Post-Graduate Education at NTU

Regulations on the Centre for Professional Advancement, Retraining and Development

Regulations on the Center for Correspondence Education and Distance Learning

Provisions about the International Education Center

Regulations on the Research Institute of Transport Problems and Construction Technologies

Regulations on Scientific and Technical Council of the Research Institute of Transport Problems and Construction Technologies

Regulations on Post-Graduate Education at NTU

Regulations on Professional Advancement

NTU Budget

Science and Research Budget

Regulations on Zhytomyr NTU Automobile and Highway College

Regulations on Kyiv NTU Transport and Economics College

Regulations on Bar NTU Transport and Construction College

Regulations on Nadvirna NTU College

Regulations on Lviv NTU Higher Vocational School of Transport Technologies and Service

Regulations on the Procedure for the Establishment and Functioning of NTU Examination Committee

Regulations on the Procedure for the Transfer of Students to NTU

MES letter №1/9-2 dated January 21, 2010

Regulations on Competition Committee for Selecting Scientific and Teaching Staff to Fill Vacancies at NTU

Regulations on the Procedure for Organizing and Holding All-Ukrainian Student Competition at NTU

Procedure for Choosing Optional Subjects

Collective Agreement

NTU Internal Regulations

Instruction on Document Management at NTU


Vacant Positions

*In accordance with Art. 13, Par. 2, Ch.1and 2 of the Law of Ukraine «On Access to Public Information» the University as a legal entity financed by national budget can only provide  information on the use of budget funds.

International Cooperation