
Article and Recommendations for Article Submission

visnikThe National Transport University Bulletin: A Scientific and Technical Journal

ISSN 2308-6645

Founded in 1997

Certificate of the journal registration: series КВ № 25200-15140ПР dated 20.07.2022, issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Languages: Ukrainian, English

The Bulletin contains information that throws light on methodological, scientific and educational work at National Transport University. It is aimed to enhance operating efficiency of all modes of transport, the road infrastructure of Ukraine and to train highly qualified specialists in this field.

Furthermore, there are materials describing how to organize and conduct educational process using the latest information technologies and ECM as well as results of fundamental and applied research and current development of scientific problems in the field of road transport and transport construction, training of academic staff at postgraduate and doctoral levels, reviews of scientific and methodological conferences that take place at NTU and outside its walls, latest news at the University.

Professional Edition

Chief Editor: Dmytrychenko Mykola Fedorovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Editorial board secretary: Oleksiy Andriiovych Shumeiko – Senior Lecturer

Editorial board address:

National Transport University, 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
phone: (044) 280-01-49; (044) 284-26-26.

Website: http://visnik.ntu.edu.ua/

Issues archives

upr-proektThe National Transport University journal of Projects Management, System Analysis and Logistics

ISSN 2309-8635

Founded in 2004

Certificate of the journal registration: series КВ № 8652 dated 16.04.2004, issued by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine

Frequency: 2 issues per a year

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Founder: National Transport University

Thematic focus: Technical and Economic Sciences

The scientific journal articles are devoted to the development of scientific bases, models, methods and algorithms of system analysis and logistics within the enhancement projects of industrial, economic, financial and social activities of transport enterprises and to the search of advanced manufacturing technologies, rolling stock operation and maintenance under current conditions.

Designed for engineers, scientists and specialists involved in dealing with the transportation industry problems in modern times

Specialized registration in State Attestation Commission (SAC) of Ukraine: According to the Directive of the Ukraine Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) from 10.02.2010 № 1-05/1 the scientific journal of Projects Management, System Analysis and Logistics is included in the List of Scientific Publications of HAC, where main results of dissertations for doctor or candidate of engineering or economic sciences degrees can be published. The scientific journal of Projects Management, System Analysis and Logistics is available in abstract databases: Science Index, e-Library.

Specialties according to SAC: 05.13.06 – Information Technologies, 05.13.22 – Projects and Programs Management, 05.22.01 – Transport Systems, 05.22.02 – Vehicles and Tractors, 05.22.11 – Roads and Airfields, 05.22.20 – Vehicles Operation and Maintenance, 05.23.17 – Structural Mechanics, 05.05.03 – Engines and Power Stations, 05.02.04 – Friction and Wear in Machines, 08.00.03 – National Economics and Management, 08.00.04 – Economics and Company Management (by the Type of Economic Activity), 08.00.05 – Production Forces Development and Regional Economics, 08.00.11 – Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in Economics.

Chief Editor: Dmytrychenko Mykola Fedorovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Deputy chief editor: Dmytriev Mykola Mykolayovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Members of the editorial board:

M.F. Dmytrychenko , Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor(Chair); M.М. Dmytriev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor(Deputy Chair); V.М. Hurnak, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; T.A. Vorkut, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; Y.S. Hrysiuk, Candadate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Secretary).

Members of the editorial team:

M.F. Dmytrychenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor (Chief Editor), NTU; M.М. Dmytriev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor (First Deputy Chief Editor), NTU; V.М. Hurnak, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor (Deputy Chief Editor), NTU; T.A. Vorkut, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, (Deputy Chief Editor), NTU; А.V. Bazyliuk, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor NTU; Y.V. Bondarenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; М.N. Bidniak, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; А.P. Hrechan, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. NTU; V.D. Danchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, NTU; V.V. Havrylenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, NTU; Y.F. Hutarevych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; О.P. Levkivskyi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; V.P. Mateichyk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; D.О. Pavliuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; H.S. Prokudin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; E.K. Posviatenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; V.Y. Savenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; V.P. Sakhno, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; N.I. Bohomolova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Economy and Technology University of Transport; А.М. Novikova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Road Transport Research and Design Institute; H.M. Kuharionok, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University, (Belarus); М.H. Shatrov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), (Russia); Prof. Dr. Klaus Rosenthal, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Richard Fortmyuller, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria; Dr. Guido Kaufmann, University of Paderborn, Germany; Dr. Vyacheslav Nikitin, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Sc. Jana Kucerova, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; Dr. Sc. Miroslaw Smieszek, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof.Dr. Sc. Kazimirz Lejda, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland.

Editorial board secretary: Hrysiuk Yuriy Serhiyovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Editorial board address:

National Transport University , 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
phone: (044) 280-19-45.

Issues archives

Scientific and Technical Journal “Automobile roads and road construction”

ISSN 0365-8171 (Print)    ISSN 2707-4080 (Оnline)    ISSN 2707-4099 (CD), URL: http://addb.ntu.edu.ua

Founded in 1964.

Certificate of the publishing subject ДК № 1218 dated 30.01.2003

The scientific and technical collection “Roads and road construction” reflects the materials and scientific developments of scientists and specialists of the road construction complex, scientific institutions and industry to solve modern problems and problems in the areas of: Construction and civil engineering; Geodesy and land management; Hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technologies, Environmental technologies, Environmental safety, Management, Marketing; Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities, Project management and systems analysis, Transport technologies (by type), Economics (by type of economic activity).

The scientific and technical collection “Roads and road construction” is published by the decision of the Academic Council of the National Transport University. Printed copies are distributed among: state and leading libraries of Ukraine, leading educational, scientific, research and design institutions of road transport; enterprises for construction, reconstruction, repair and operation of roads and airfields; institutions to which publications must be sent, in which the main results of dissertations are published (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 11.07.2016 № 820 collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine).

An electronic copy of the collection “Roads and Road Construction” is posted on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky NAS of Ukraine in the section “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” (for periodicals), on the website of the National Transport University and the site of scientific and technical collection “Roads and road construction”.


Savenko V.Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Chairman), Slavinska O.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Deputy Chairman), Petrovich V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Professor, Senior Researcher, (Secretary), Bondar N.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor. Gamelyak I.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kaskiv V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Usichenko O.Y., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chechuga O.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kharchenko A.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,, Khrutba V.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences,  Associate Professor.


Savenko V.Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Editor-in-Chief), NTU (Kyiv), Slavinska O.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), NTU (Kyiv) , Petrovich V.V.,  Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Professor, Senior Researcher, (Executive Secretary), NTU (Kyiv), Gamelyak I.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Executive Editor), NTU (Kyiv), Khrutba V.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor, (Executive Editor), NTU (Kyiv),  Bondar N.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor. (Executive Editor), NTU (Kyiv), Kaskiv V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, (Executive Editor), NTU (Kyiv).

Batrakova A.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Bezugly A.O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, State Research Institute (Kyiv), Bilokin A.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, PDABA (Dnipro), Bondarenko E.L., Doctor of Geography Sciences, Professor, NTU, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv), Bondarenko L.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Bubela A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Vnukova N.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Vorkut T.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Gavrilenko V.V., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Gasenko L.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National University “Poltava Polytechnic named after Yuri Kondratyuk”, (Poltava), Goncharenko F.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, SE “Ukrainian State Institute for Design of Road Facilities” “( Kyiv), Grechan A.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor. NTU (Kyiv), Gulyaev V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Dmytrychenko A.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Zhdanyuk V.K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Zolotarev V.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Kirichek Y.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,, PDABA (Dnipro), Kiyashko I.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kyiv), Kovalchuk V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Institute of Water Problems and Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), Kontseva V.V, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Kuzlo M.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NUVGP (Rivne), Lantukh-Lyashchenko A.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Loza I.A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Lomotko D.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, UDUZT (Kharkiv), Lyashenko D.O., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Malanchuk M.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences,  Associate Professor,  NU “Lviv Polytechnic” (Lviv), Mamonov K.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor. KhNUMG. OHM. Beketova (Kharkiv), Marchuk O.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Mateichyk V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Mishutin A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, ODABA (Odessa), Melenchuk T.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences,  Associate Professor,   Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality (Odessa), Mogilny S.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, PDABA (Dnipro), Mozgovyi V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Nagaichuk V.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,  SE “State Research Institute” (Kyiv), Pavlyuk D.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Razumova K.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor of NAU (Kyiv), Romanenko V.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,  Educational and Scientific Complex “Institute of Applied Systems Analysis” of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky, Semko O.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National University” Poltava Polytechnic named after Yuri Kondratyuk”, (Poltava), Smirnova N.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Snisarenko V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Research Institute“ Pidzemspetsbud ”(Kyiv), Sokolova N.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,  NTU (Kyiv), Solodky S.Y., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv), Tolmachev S.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, KhNADU (Kharkiv), Ugnenko E.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, UDUZT (Kharkiv), Uzhviyeva O.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, UDUZT (Kharkiv), Usichenko O.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Finelabe O.M., Corresponding Member of the NAS, Doctor of Chemistry Sciences, Professor, Institute of Chemistry of Macromolecular Compounds of the NAS of Ukraine ( Kyiv), Kharchenko A.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Chechuga O.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU (Kyiv), Shmatkov G.G., Doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, PDABA (Dnipro), Yakovyshyna T.F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, PDABA (Dnipro), Riheb Hadji, Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif, 19000 Setif, (Algeria), Wen Mingming, Ph.D., Dean of the Human resource management Department, (China), Bozho Soldo, Ph.D., Head of Departament of civil Engineering, (Croatia), Ferhat Hammoum, Directeur du labotoire Matériaux pour les Infrastructures de Transport, (France), Carlo Giavarini, Prof . Full professor of Industrial and Technological Chemistry of “La Sapienza” University in (Italy), Teltaev Bagdat Burkhanbayuli, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, President of KazdorNDI, (Kazakhstan), Jūratė Sužiedelytė Visockienė, Prof. Dr. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Environmental Engineering Head of Department of Geodesy and Cadastre Department of Geodesy and Cadastre Vilnius (Lithuania), Renata Kotynia, Prof. PŁ, Lodz University of Technology. (Poland), Younes Hamed, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Science of Gafsa FSGF Department of Earth Sciences, (Tunisia), Lev Khazanovich, Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Civil and Environmental Enginee (USA)


Editorial board address:
1, M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str. Kyiv, Ukraine 01010
Tel. +38 (044) 280-73-38
е-mail: avtodorogi-ntu@ukr.net
Journal website: http://addb.ntu.edu.ua

Publication archives

Науковий журнал «Економіка та управління на транспорті»

ISSN 2414-9861 (Online), ISSN 2413-0966 (Print), URL: http://eut.ntu.edu.ua

Заснований у 2015 р.

Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації: серія КВ № 21289-11089Р від 26 березня 2015 року, видане Державною реєстраційною службою України.

Періодичність: два рази на рік.

Мова видання: українська, російська, англійська.

Засновник: Національний транспортний університет.

Тематична спрямованість: економічні науки.

У науковому журналі «Економіка та управління на транспорті» публікуються матеріали, які висвітлюють результати наукових досліджень в сфері реформування економіки окремих видів транспорту, оптимізації технологічних процесів і виробничо-господарської діяльності дорожньо-транспортного комплексу України та інших держав, розробки принципів і методів управління підприємствами з метою підвищення їх конкурентоспроможності на вітчизняному та міжнародних ринках.

Журнал є цінним джерелом інформації для практиків і науковців у галузі економіки та управління на транспорті, оскільки сприяє обміну знаннями, результатами досліджень й ідеями у цій сфері.

Науковий журнал «Економіка та управління на транспорті» наказом Міністерства освіти і науки України від 11.07.2016 № 820 включено до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт на здобуття наукових ступенів доктора і кандидата наук (галузь науки – економічні).

Головний редактор: Дмитриченко Микола Федорович, д-р техн. наук, професор.

Заступники головного редактора:
Дмитрієв Микола Миколайович, д-р техн. наук, професор;
Бакуліч Олена Олександрівна, канд. техн. наук, професор.

Редакційна колегія: Дмитриченко М.Ф., д.т.н., професор, НТУ; Дмитрієв М.М., д.т.н., професор, НТУ; Бакуліч О.О., к.т.н., професор, НТУ; Гурнак В.М., д.е.н., професор, НТУ; Бондаренко Є.В., д.е.н., професор, НТУ; Козак Л.С., к.е.н., професор, НТУ; Базилюк А.В., д.е.н., професор, НТУ; Воркут Т.А., д.т.н., професор, НТУ; Гречан А.П., д.е.н., професор, НТУ; Бондар Н.М., д.е.н., доцент, НТУ; Парфенцева Н.О., д.е.н., професор, Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту; Ейтутіс Г.Д., д.е.н., професор, Державний економіко-технологічний університет транспорту; Ложачевська О.М., д.е.н., професор, Національний авіаційний університет; Голубкова І.А., д.е.н., професор, Одеська національна морська академія; Примак Т.О., д.е.н., професор, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана; Хмелевський М.О., к.е.н., професор, НТУ; Чеснакова Л.С., к.е.н., професор, НТУ; Омельянович О.Р., к.е.н., доцент, НТУ; Сєдой В.Г., к.е.н., доцент, НТУ; Бойко В.В., к.е.н., доцент, НТУ; Грисюк Ю.С., к.е.н., доцент, НТУ; Prof. Dr. Klaus Rosenthal, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Richard Fortmyuller, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria; Dr. Guido Kaufmann, University of Paderborn, Germany; Dr. Vyacheslav Nikitin, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Jana Kucerova, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Smieszek, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof. Dr. Kazimirz Lejda, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at the European Academy of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy; Prof. Dr. Niko Kvaratskelia, Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations, Georgia; Prof. Dr. Lela Kelbakiani, Kutaisi University of Law and Economics, Georgia; Prof. Dr. Ivan Dadi’c, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Відповідальний секретар редакційної колегії: Федорук Олеся Володимирівна, канд. екон. наук, доцент.

Адреса редакційної колегії:

01010, Україна, м. Київ, вул. Суворова, 1,
Національний транспортний університет.
Тел.: +38 044 280 30 16,
E-mail: emtntu@gmail.com
Веб-сайт журналу: http://eut.ntu.edu.ua

Архіви публікацій

The NTU scientific and technical journal of  Motorways and Road Construction

ISSN 0365-8171

Founded in 1964

Certificate of the journal registration: series КВ № 9784 from 21.04.2005, issued by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Founder: National Transport University

Thematic focus: Technical Sciences

The scientific and technical journal describes results of theoretical and experimental studies within the following fields: investigation, design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of roads and water courses; constructive and underground transport facilities; manufacturing enterprises; an organizational basis and economics of construction operations and road-building industry development; ecology and the environment protection; road conditions and safety; engineering mechanics of transport structures, etc.

For employees of scientific research institutes, design and construction organizations and for academic staff and students of universities engaged in road and transport analysis


Specialized registration in State Attestation Commission (SAC) of Ukraine: The journal is defined as the specialized publication according to the Directive of the Ukraine Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) № 1-05/3 from 14. 04. 2010.

Chief Editor: Savenko Viacheslav Yakovych, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor

Deputy Chief Editor: Slavinska Olena Serhiivna, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor

Members of editorial board: V.Y. Savenko (Chair), О.S. Slavinska (Deputy Chair), V.V. Petrovych (Secretary), I.P. Hameliak, V.I. Kaskiv.

Members of editorial team: V.Y. Savenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (chief editor), NTU (Kyiv); О.S. Slavinska, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (deputy chief editor), NTU (Kyiv); V.V. Petrovych, Cand. of Engineering Sciences (secretary), NTU (Kyiv); V.І. Bratchun, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Kramatorsk); І.P. Hameliak, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); F.P. Honcharenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,Ukrdiprodor (Kyiv); V.K. Zhdaniuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU); V.О. Zolotariov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, KhNAHU (Kharkiv); V.І. Kaskiv, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); Y.O. Kirichek, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA) (Dnipro); І.V. Kiyashko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, KhNAHU (Kyiv); М.T. Kuzlo, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Rivne); H.Y. Lypskyi, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); О.V. Marchuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); V.P. Mateichyk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); А.V. Mishutin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Odessa); V.V. Mokhhovyi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); V.M. Nahaichuk, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, DerzhdorNDI (Kyiv); D.О. Pavliuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); О.О. Rasskazov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv); S. Y. Solodkyi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv); Y B. Uhnenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, KhNAHU (Kharkiv); О.Y. Usychenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, NTU (Kyiv).

Editorial board secretary: Petrovych Volodymyr Vasyliovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Editorial board address:

National Transport University, 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
phone: (044) 280-73-38.

Issues archives

The NTU collection of research papers on Transport Problems

ISSN 2313-6316

Founded in 2004

Certificate of the journal registration: KV series No. 8604 dated 01.04.2004, issued by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Professional edition

Chief Editor: Mykola Dmytrychenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.

Deputy Chief Editors:

Mykola Dmitriev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Oleh Petrashevskyi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Editorial Board:

  1. Bondar, Doctor of Economic Sciences; V. Demianchuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; V. Dolia, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Yu. Demin, Doctor of Economic Sciences; O. Zaporozhets, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; M. Kotlubai, Doctor of Economic Sciences; I. Morozova, Doctor of Economic Sciences; V. Mova, Doctor of Economic Sciences; A. Novikova, Doctor of Economic Sciences; R. Khabutdinov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Yu. Zvietov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Editorial board secretary: Ihor Khmelev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Editorial board address:
National Transport University , 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
Phone: (044) 280-70- 73.

Issues archives

The NTU collection of scientific and technical papers on Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering

ISSN 0435-9666

Founded in 1965

Certificate of the journal registration: Series KV № 9785 dated 21.04.2005, issued by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine.

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Professional edition

Editor: Tkachuk Sergiy Hryhorovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Deputy Editor:

Savenko Viacheslav Yakovlevych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Editorial board:

Dadenkov V.Yu., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Eremenko Ye.V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Kryl S.I., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Slavinska O.S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Cherniuk V.V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Vasilenko O.A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Yahno A.M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Khlopuk M.M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences.

Editorial Board Secretary: Koretskyi Andriy Serhiiovych., Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Editorial board address:
National Transport University, 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
Tel. (044) 280-79-78.

Issues archives

itsThe NTU collection of scientific and technical papers on Information Processes, Technologies and Transport Systems

ISSN 2413-5364

Founded in 2014

Certificate of the journal registration: Series KV № 8653 dated 16.04.2014, issued by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

The materials published in the scientific journal of Information Processes, Technologies and Transport Systems highlight the main results of research and scientific and technical work aimed at developing and improving information processes, technologies and systems to enhance the efficiency of all transport modes and the infrastructure of road complex in Ukraine and other countries.

Chief Editor: Dmytrychenko Mykola Fedorovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Deputy Chief Editors:

Dmytriev Mykola Mykolaiovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Al-Ammori Ali Nurddynovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Editorial board:

V.D. Danchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; V.V. Havrylenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; T.A. Vorkut Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; V.P. Polischuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; G.S. Prokudin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; O.L. Petrashevskyi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; G.L. Baranov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; R.A. Habutdinov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; O.I. Melnychenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor; M.M. Stepanov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Research Fellow; O.M. Trofimchuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of NAS of Ukraine; T.O. Prymak, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University; O.L. Liakhov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Poltava National Technical University named after Yurii Kondratiuk; A.A. Tymchenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Cherkassy State Technological University; V.G. Riabtsev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, European University, Cherkassy branch; V.E. Snytiuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; O.G. Korchenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, National Aviation University; A.V. Haidachuk, M.E., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Zhukovskyi National Aerospace University; A. P. Marchenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, National Technical University: Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute; Yu.M. Teslia, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; O.G. Oksiiuk, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; V.V. Bilichenko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Vinnitsa National Technical University; V.S. Kharchenko, M.E., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Zhukovskyi National Aerospace University; D.D. Peleshko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, National University: Lviv Polytechnika; V.Ya. Nehrey, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Belarusian State University of Transport, Belarus; M.G. Shatrov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University, Russia; H.M. Kuharionok, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarus; Prof Dr. Klaus Rosenthal, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr Richard Fortmyuller, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria; Dr. Guido Kaufmann, University of Paderborn; Dr. Vyacheslav Nikitin, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof Dr. Jana Kucerova, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Smieszek, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof. Dr. Kazimirz Lejda, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland.

Editorial board secretary: Mironiova Viktoria Leonidivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

Editorial board address:
National Transport University, 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
Tel. (044) 280-01-49; (044) 284-26-26.

Issues archives

The NTU collection of scientific and technical papers on Economics and Transport Management

ISSN 2413-0966 (Print), ISSN 2414-9861 (Online)

Founded in 2015

Certificate of registration: Series KV № 21289-11089P dated 26.03.2015, issued by the State Registration Service of Ukraine.

Frequency: 2 issues per a year

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Founder: National Transport University

Thematic focus: Economic Sciences

The materials published in the scientific journal of Economics and Transport Management highlight research results in reforming certain forms of transport, optimizing the processes and production and business activities of the road transport complex of Ukraine and other countries, the development of principles and methods of business management to enhance their competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

The journal is a valuable source of information for practitioners and researchers in the field of economy and transport management as it facilitates sharing of knowledge, research results and ideas in this area.

By the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Order № 820 dated 11.07.2016, the scientific journal of Economics and Transport Management is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, where the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor or candidate of sciences can be published (branch of science – Economics).

Editor: Dmytrychenko Mykola Fedorovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Deputy Editors:

Dmytriev Mykola Mykolaiovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Bakulich Olena Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Editorial board:

Dmytrychenko M.F., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU;

Dmytriev M.M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU;

Bakulich O.O., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; Bondarenko Ye.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Kozak L.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Bazyliuk A.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Vorkut T.A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NTU; Hrechan A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Bondar N.M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Parfentseva N.O., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing; Eitutis G.D., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Economic and Technological University of Transport; Lozhachevska A.M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, National Aviation University; Holubkov I.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Odessa National Maritime Academy; Prymak T.O., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University; Chmelewskyi M.O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Chesnakova L.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, NTU; Omelianovych O. R., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU; Siedoi V.G., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU; Boyko V.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU; Hrysiuk Yu.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, NTU; Prof. Dr. Klaus Rosenthal, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Richard Fortmyuller, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria; Dr. Guido Kaufmann, University of Paderborn, Germany; Dr. Vyacheslav Nikitin, University of Paderborn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Jana Kucerova, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Smieszek, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof. Dr. Kazimirz Lejda, Rzeszowska Politechnika, Poland; Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, Institute for Regional Development and Location Management at the European Academy of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy; Prof. Dr. Niko Kvaratskelia, Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations, Georgia; Prof. Dr. Lela Kelbakiani, Kutaisi University of Law and Economics, Georgia; Prof. Dr. Ivan Dadi’c, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Editorial board secretary: Fedoruk Olesia Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.

Editorial board address:
National Transport University , 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str.,
Kyiv 01010, Ukraine
Tel. +38 044 280 30 16
E-mail: emtntu@gmail.com

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