

A KICKOFF MEETING OF PROJECT TEAMS – CONTRACTORS OF THE ERASMUS PROJECT + New Mechanisms of Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine

On February 17-18, 2020, the first Erasmus + workshop “New Mechanisms of Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” was held at Konstanz University (Konstanz, Germany). For two days, project teams from Ukraine and three EU countries (Germany, Austria and Italy) worked intensively on project tasks. In total, 36 participants took part in the event. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the implementation of the first work package “Analysis of Management of ...


On February 27, 2020, the 4th closed pre-premiere screening of the documentary "The Knight of the aristocracy of the spirit" about Oleksiy Pavlovich Kuzhelny, the 1975 graduate of the National transport University (hereinafter-NTU), took place in the University small hall. Frame from the movie. Oleksiy is a responsible student and an activist of musical and artistic events. Frame from the movie. Oleksiy is a serious student and in the role of Ivanushka the fool in the play "The Frog Princess". The Director said ...

Request for proposals for the purchase of a mobile counter (detector)

According to Erasmus + international project direction: KA2, project number 585832-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP - "Master in SMArt Transport and LOGistics for Cities (SmaLog)", a commercial request is announced proposals for the purchase of a mobile counter (detector) for a specialized research laboratory.   Taking into account tax privileges provided by the tax legislation of Ukraine, goods, works and services purchased by contractors at the expense of this project are exempt from VAT.   Autonomous ...

A festive event at Correspondence and Distance Learning Centre.

Between December 17 and December 25, 2020, Master’s students of Correspondence and Distance Learning Centre defended their dissertations at National Transport University. There worked 19 examination commissions for 21 educational programs. This year students have shown a high level of theoretical and practical training. 242 students defended their dissertations with the following results: 134 students got an excellent grade (55,4%), 102 students- a good grade (42,1%), 6 students – a pass (2,5%). 33 students were awarded ...

National Transport University Academic Council Meeting

The meeting was held on 30th January 2020. Agenda The approval of the Academic Council work plan for the first six months of 2020. An oral report was made by Prof. Melnychenko O. I., Academic Secretary   The current state of implementation of the University's environmental program An oral report was made by  Prof. Khrutba, Head of Department

International Cooperation