
Oksana Dubrova  is the Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor, Doctor of Public Administration. She is the author of about 85 academic, teaching and guiding works. Her research interests involve foreign language teaching techniques (English); problems of professional foreign language training in a technical university; English syntax – monopredicative polypropositional syntactic structures; public administration – intellectual capital development in the sphere of higher/university education in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration.

The department was founded in December 1944. The first head was S. A. Hlaholiev (1944 – 1950). The department was also headed by Oksana Mykolaivna Alabusheva (1950 – 1977); Larysa Ivanivna Horbachova (1977 – 1985); Liana Leonidivna Ivchenko (1985 – 1994); Halyna Yukhymivna Shyshkova (1994 – 1999); Nataliia Illivna Rovnina (1999 – 2006), Natalia Valentynivna Astanina (2006-2022).

The department was renamed into the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation in May 2012. In November 2012, the department was divided into two departments – the Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation. Since October 2018, English, German, French, general and business programs and a foreign language of scientific communication have been taught at the Department.

The department trains applicants to take NMT examination and bachelors to take YEVI examination in English. Speaking Club is organized by the department staff.

The Academic Staff of the Department:  

Iryna Yuriivna Afonina – Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology (English)

Oksana Mykolaivna Dubrova – Associate Professor, Doctor of Public Administration (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Olha Hennadiivna Taranenko – Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences (English)

Antonina Volodymyrivna Varlakova – Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences (German, English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Maryna Yevhenivna Babych – Deputy Head, Senior Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Anna Viktorivna Bondar – Senior Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Inna Yuriivna Harkusha – Senior Lecturer (German, English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Inna Volodymyrivna Kysil – Senior Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Tetiana Mykhailivna Novokhatnia – Senior Lecturer (English)

Olena Vasylivna Pavlusenko – Senior Lecturer (English)

Tetiana Vasylivna Sakhniuk – Senior Lecturer (English, German), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Olena Mykolaivna Samar – Senior Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Natalia Mykolaivna Furmanchuk – Senior Lecturer (English, French), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Olha Volodymyrivna Komarynska – Assistant Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Ihor Viktorovych Nikolaienko – Assistant Lecturer (English), a member of International Educators and Scholars Foundation

Tetiana Oleksandrivna Dotsenko – Head of the laboratory


Scientific and Methodological Works of the Department Lecturers:

  1. M. Onyshchenko, M.V. Harkusha, O.V. Fedorenko, I.Yu. Harkusha Application of waterproofing systems based on methacrylate resin on transport structures. Bridges and Tunnels: Theory, Research, Practice. Issue 25, 2024. P. 74-86
  2. V. Bondar, O.M. Samar, N.M. Furmanchuk Using Artificial Intelligence As An Effective Tool For Teaching Foreign Languages. Scientific papers. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Kropyvnytskyi: Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Issue 214, 06.2024. 406 p. P. 133-137
  3. V. Kysil, O.V. Komarynska, T.V. Sakhniuk Foreign Language Professional Training For Business Specialists: Features Of Grammar Instruction in Business Communication. Humanities Science Current Issues: Interuniversity Collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Young Scientists Research Papers. Helvetica Publishing House. Issue 57, volume 1, 2024. 316 p. P.177-186
  4. Yu. Harkusha Socio-cultural competence of students learning foreign language communication: based on English and German language materials. Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern School. Issue 1(11), 2024. P. 102–111
  5. M. Horidko, M.Ye. Babych Application of modern foreign language teaching technologies based on analysis of the forgetting curve. Scientific papers. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Issue 215, 2024. P.134-140
  6. M. Dubrova, T.V. Sakhniuk Critical Thinking Skills Development in Today’s Students – Representatives of Z-Generation: Interactive Practices. Helvetica Publishing House. Issue 72, 2024. 274 p. P. 61-66
  7. O. Davydenko, M.V. Harkusha, I.A. Kozarchuk, I.Yu Harkusha Approaches to technical and economic substantiation of new bridge construction. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. Issue 104, 2024. P. 96 – 106
  8. M. Onyshchenko, M.V. Harkusha, M.I. Klymenko, I.Yu. Harkusha Research and analysis of the technology of restoration of hydro-technical structures of transportation building from culverts by the sleathing method. Dorogi і mosti [Roads and bridges]. Issue 28, 2023. P. 203–210
  9. M. Dubrova Proposals for Improving the Mechanism of Intellectual Capital Formation at the Higher Educational Level. Investments: Practice and Experience. Issue 1, 2023. 127 p. P. 113-118
  10. Khan, N.M. Zaied, S. Darwish, N. Nitsenko, K.M.A. Islam, Md.A. Hassan, O. Dubrova Pre and Present COVID-19 Situation: A Framework of Educational Transformation in South Asia Region. Emerging Science Journal. Issue 7 (Special Issue “COVID-19: Emerging Research”), 2023. P. 81-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.28991/ESJ-2023-SPER-06. (Scopus)
  11. Kryshtanovych, H. Liakhovych, O. Dubrova, H. Kazarian, H. Zhekalo Stages of Digital Transformation of Educational Institutions in the System of Sustainable Development of the Region. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2023. P. 565-571. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsdp.180226. URL: https://iieta.org/journals/ijsdp/paper/10.18280/ijsdp.180226. (Scopus)
  12. Kryshtanovych, O. Inozemtseva, O. Voloshyna, I. Ostapiovska, O. Dubrova. Modeling the Effective Digitalization of the Education Management System in the Context of Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Volume 18, Issue 5, May 2023, P. 1507-1514. URL: https://www.iieta.org/journals/ijsdp/paper/10.18280/ijsdp.180521. (Scopus)
  13. Tryma, O. Sliusarenko, A. Shuplat, O. Dubrova, Y. Popova Social responsibility of Higher Education Influenced by the development of digital technologies and industry 4.0. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. Volume 22, Issue 9, September 2022. P. 521-526 (Web of Science)
  14. Ye. Babych, T.V. Slyva Derivatives of members of associative and semantic structures. Scientific Bulletin of International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. Collection of scientific papers. Helvetica Publishing House. Issue 57, 2022. http://vestnik-philology.mgu.od.ua/index.php/arkhiv-nomeriv?id=211
  15. Ye. Babych, T.V. Slyva Members of associative and semantic groups as a part of other lexical semantics Scientific Bulletin of International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. Collection of scientific papers. Helvetica Publishing House. Issue 54, 2022. P. 19–22. http://www.vestnik-philology.mgu.od.ua/archive/v54/4.pdf
  16. M. Dubrova Approaches to the internationalisation of higher education in the context of the intellectual capital action at the global, national and local levels. Investments: Practice and Experience. Issue 21 (november), 2022. 117 p. P. 110-116
  17. V. Varlakova Acoustic analysis of the unstressed vocalism modifications in the English speech of Ukrainiansю Bulletin of the Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series: Philology. Issue 23(1), 2021. 124p. P. 84–93
  18. Dubrova Distinguishing monopredicative polypropositional syntactic structures in Ukrainian and English languages. ASTRA Salvensis, Supplement No. 1, 2020 P. 619–630 (Scopus)
  19. English for Bachelors majoring in 075 Marketing, educational program is Marketing of Services: case studied the English language (methodological guidelines) / A.V. Bondar, O.M. Samar, N.M. Furmanchuk – Kyiv: NTU, 2023. – 53p.
  20. English for Bachelors majoring in 18 Production and Technologies, speciality is 183 Environmental Protection Technologies, educational program is Environmental Protection Technologies in filling stations and enterprises of construction industry (methodological guidelines) / N.M. Horidko, M.Ye. Babych – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 41p.
  21. English for Bachelors majoring in 08 Law, specialty is 081 Law, educational program is Law (methodological guidelines) / M. Horidko, O.M. Samar, N.M. Furmanchuk – Kyiv: NTU, 2023. – 51p.
  22. English for Bachelors majoring in 27 Transport, speciality is 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational program is City Transport Systems (methodological guidelines) / Yu. Harkusha – Kyiv: NTU, 2023. – 67p.
  23. English for Bachelors majoring in 19 Architecture and Construction, speciality is 192 Architecture and Construction, educational program is Highways, Streets and Roads of Cities (methodological guidelines) / M. Dubrova, A.V. Varlakova, I.Yu. Harkusha, I.V. Nikolaienko – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 79p.
  24. English for Masters majoring in 12 Information Technologies, speciality is 121 Software Engineering, educational program is Software Engineering (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, V. Bondar, A.V. Varlakova – Kyiv: NTU, 2023. – 60p.
  25. English for Masters majoring in 19 Architecture and Construction, speciality is 192 Construction and Civil Engineering, educational program is Bridges and Transport Tunnels (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, I.Yu. Harkusha – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 86
  26. English for Masters majoring in 192 Construction and Civil Engineering, educational program is Airports, Airfield Structures and Facilities: case studied the English language (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, V. Saknniuk – Kyiv: NTU, 2023. – 52p.
  27. English for Masters majoring in 27 Transport, speciality is 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational program is Road Traffic Engineering and Control (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, A.V. Varlakova, O.M. Samar – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 65
  28. English for Masters majoring in 27 Transport, speciality is 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational program is Customs Control on Transport (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, A.V. Varlakova, V. Nikolaienko – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 65p.
  29. English for Masters majoring in 27 Transport, speciality is 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational program is Freight Transport Systems and Logistics Management (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, V. Komarynska – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 53p.
  30. English for Masters majoring in 27 Transport, speciality is 275 Transport Technologies (Motor Transport), educational program is Smart Transport and City Logistics (methodological guidelines) / O.M. Dubrova, A.V. Varlakova, N.M. Horidko, M.Ye. Babych – Kyiv: NTU, 2024. – 64p.

The main research areas of the Department of Foreign Languages are the following:

Current Problems of Professional Foreign Languages Training at a Technical University: Traditions and Innovations.

Address: room 611, 42, M.Boychuka Str., Kyiv 01103, Ukraine

Phone: +38 (044) 284-65-07

E-mail: inmovy.ntu@gmail.com

International Cooperation